Programming is simply based on logic. If you have the sense of logic, you can start with any language, like C, C++, Java e.t.c. When it comes to readability of code, Python is one of the easiest language as it needs fewer line of code. You can easilty start if you have some basic knowledge of English and mathematics.
Students used to start with a procedural set of statically typed language like C, C++, Java or Pascal. But, now all over the world Schools and Universities introduced Python as a
programming language. Moreover, IEEE considers Python in the first rank this year. This is because, Python has consistent and simple syntax and the vast library. In a programming course for beginners, using Python allows students to focu on various programming skills, including data type, dsign and problem decomposition. Through Python, most of the Schools provides their students exposure to various concepts like
procedures and looops. They can even start with user-defined objects. Students should learn to decompose problems, encapsulate data, design interfaces, and most importantly think like a computer. They are going to live in AI world for which Python is the most suitable language. More over for graphical representation, Python has vast library. This shows that from High School studetns, any one who are creative can benefit.
It is believed that, the first step in learning any programming language is, making sure that you understand how to learn. Learning how to learn is the most critical skill involved in computer programming. Why is learning how to learn so important? The answer is simple; as languages evolve, libraries are being created by the community of programmers. This is the foundation twhere from you can dive into the ocean of vast resource in the web to learn yourselves as per your field of interest. Here you will learn data types, conditional statements, loops, string manipulations, fuctions, classes, interfaces, objects e.t.c.
1. OpenEDG Python Institute offers independent and vendor-neutral certification in Python. It has defined and independence global certification path for the Python programming language, and developed an international Python programming examination standered. Candidates can take certification exams at three competeency levels: Entry, Associate, and Professional.
The Entry-Level certification exams are administered worldwide in the form of proctored(OpenEDG Authorized Academies) and non-proctored(accessed online from any place) test candidates.
More information can be had from
2. Microsoft
The tech mogul Microsoft offers certifications for a range of popular technologies such as JavaScript, Java, and Microsoft Azure. These certifications are highly regarded in the IT community.
At present, Microsoft has only a single Python certification put up on the offering list, the MTA 98-381 certification, which we are going to discuss up next.
1. Microsoft Technology Associate 98-381: Introduction to Programming Using Python
The 98-381: Introduction to Programming Using Python is a Python certification from Microsoft. The certification is meant for candidates who can:
Recognize the various data types in Python
Understand and modify existing Python code
Write syntactically correct Python code
Upon successful completion of the Microsoft Python certification examination, the candidates are awarded the MTA (Microsoft Technical Associate) credential.
An MTA 98-391 certified individual can work with Python on a professional level and is ready to explore the advanced aspects of the high-level, general-purpose programming language and related technologies.
Name – Introduction to Programming Using Python
Code– 98-381
Duration– 45minutes
Language(s) – Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese (Brazil), and Spanish
Level– Associate
PassingPercentage – 70%
Prerequisites – 100+ hours of instruction/hands-on experience in the Python programming language, familiarity with the capabilities and features of Python, ability to understand, write, debug, and maintain well documented Python code
Price – $127
Total Questions – 40
Type – Drag & drop, a selection from the drop-down list, single-choice and multiple-choice questions
3. Google IT Automation with Python Professional Certificate
At present Google has only one exam for Python developers.
This new beginner-level, six-course certificate, developed by Google, is designed to provide IT professionals with in-demand skills -- including Python, Git, and IT automation -- that can help you advance your career.
Knowing how to write code to solve problems and automate solutions is a crucial skill for anybody in IT. Python, in particular, is now the most in-demand programming language by employers.
This program builds on your IT foundations to help you take your career to the next level. It’s designed to teach you how to program with Python and how to use Python to automate common system administration tasks. You'll also learn to use Git and GitHub, troubleshoot and debug complex problems, and apply automation at scale by using configuration management and the Cloud.
This certificate can be completed in about 6 months and is designed to prepare you for a variety of roles in IT, like more advanced IT Support Specialist or Junior Systems Administrator positions. Upon completing the program, you’ll have the option to share your information with potential employers, like Walmart, Sprint, Hulu, Bank of America, Google (of course!), and more.